Kill Your Ego and Be Flexible: A Lesson from Behind the LED Wall

Kill Your Ego and Be Flexible: A Lesson from Behind the LED Wall

Had an interesting experience while setting up for an event next year – one that perfectly talks to the importance of flexibility in our line of work. 🛠️🖥️

I'm sharing a snapshot from behind the scenes of a small LED wall we're testing. When the initial setup expert left, I was left to figure out the system – a program I knew nothing about.

Despite all of my tries, things didn't go as planned or as quick as I wanted. It turned out, a simple cable in the wrong port was the culprit. I hesitated to call the expert who set it up, not wanting to bother him. But when I did, his immediate understanding and willingness to help solved the issue in no time.

This moment was a reminder of two things:

  1. Flexibility Is Key: In the ever-evolving world of an AV tech, being adaptable is not just an asset, it's a necessity. 🌟
  2. Collaboration Over Ego: Sometimes, reaching out for help is the fastest way to learn and progress. It's not about knowing everything; it's about working together to make things happen. 👥

As we work through scenes and tweak different looks with a master of another program I’m unfamiliar with, I'm reminded that every challenge is a learning opportunity.

To my fellow AV techs and professionals in dynamic fields: How have you turned a technical challenge into a learning experience? Let's share and grow together! 🚀