Networking Wisdom: Digging the Well Before You’re Thirsty

Networking Wisdom: Digging the Well Before You’re Thirsty
Photo by Philippe Yuan / Unsplash

Ever found yourself in a pinch, needing a solution to a problem that’s just out of your reach? I've been there, and my saving grace has always been my network. 🤝

The saying goes, “Your network is your net worth,” and I couldn't agree more. My approach to networking? It’s like building a strong foundation before you really need it.

Whenever I hit a roadblock, I reach out to my contacts – a call here, a text there, until I find the answer. But this wouldn't be possible if I hadn’t already invested in these relationships. 🚀

I make it a point to connect without needing anything in return. A simple ‘hello’, offering a helping hand, or connecting someone with a peer – these gestures build a bank of goodwill that's invaluable.

🌱 Start Building Your Network Today:Grab your phone and open your text messages. Reach out to the five oldest contacts. Just ask how they’re doing and if there’s anything they need.

Here's a sample text to break the ice:“Hi [Name], this is Henry. Just touching base to catch up and see how you're doing. No rush to reply back, just wanted to check in. Hope all is well.”

I got this technique from Jordan Harbinger.
He has a free 6-minute Networking course you should check out. And He has a great podcast.

Remember, effective networking isn’t about immediate gains; it’s about genuine connections and being there before you need something in return.

How do you nurture your professional relationships? Would love to hear your strategies!