You Should Start Small to Get Big: Cassette Tapes to Protools

You Should Start Small to Get Big: Cassette Tapes to Protools
A picture of a cassette tape

Sometimes, the most profound lessons start from the simplest actions. 📋

For instance. Back in the day, placing a piece of tape over the holes turned a regular cassette into a blank canvas, ready for recording. 📼

This small act marked the beginning of my journey into the world of audio and music production. 🎚️

What started as making mixtapes with just a cassette and some creativity eventually led me to explore more sophisticated methods, like using headphones as makeshift microphones. 🎧

Each step, no matter how small, built upon the last, expanding my skills and understanding.

Today, I am a ProTools Certified Engineer (One of the many hats I wear🎩), but that journey began with a simple cassette tape. 👊

This experience taught me that expertise doesn't happen overnight. It's a gradual process of learning, experimenting, and building upon the basics.

I share this story to remind professionals in any field that small steps matter. Every expert started as a beginner, and every advanced skill began with something simple.

Don’t underestimate the power of starting small and the potential of where it can lead you.

Let’s embrace the journey of continuous learning, remembering that sometimes, all it takes to begin is a piece of tape on a cassette.